Thursday 1 December 2011

Journal Entry 3: Battle Ending in Tragedy

Today was not a good day. I can't even begin to describe how I feel right now but I guess angry would be a good start which makes sense for now, these hot days, is the mad blood stirring. Mercutio and I were walking through the city today when we ran into Tybalt. He demanded to know where Romeo was and then both him and Mercutio started a quarrel. Romeo arrived and said something I thought was strange. He announced pure love for Tybalt which confused me, and when I thought all was resolved Mercutio began to taunt him again. A duel was started this time and somehow Mercutio got wounded when Romeo came between them. Tybalt fled and Mercutio lay hurt, we thought he jested but sadly he was not. He died shortly after. I feel guilt and sadness for his death, I may have stopped their fray if I had but helped Romeo but alas I did not. I feel the guilt as well for not helping poor Mercutio more as well, all I asked was "What, art thou hurt?". Oh I'm a fool. I felt anger like never before but none so near as Romeo had. He ran after Tybalt which I find surprising of him. Challenging him to a duel, ending in Tybalt's death. Oh poor Romeo, he has now been exiled from the city by the Prince. Although I feel him lucky for his fortune of not being sentenced death, he was broken. Right now I mostly just feel confused though, after the unlucky manage of this fatal brawl all of my emotions have become muddled; anger, sadness, joy for Romeo's life. I just hope we can appeal to our Lord prince and that Mercutio may find his peace.