Friday 18 November 2011

Journal Entry 1: Conflicts and Parties! (Act 1)

Today was really busy. I came across some of our servants this morning trying to fight it out with some of the Capulets. Luckily I got there just in time to break it up but that fool Capulet, Tybalt, showed up and raised hell all over again. A fight broke out and the prince showed up very unimpressed and threatened death to those of us who didn't stop fighting. Fools, all of them. I told them nothing good would come from fighting. I ran into my cousin Romeo afterwards though. He's got his mind in the right place, he's a lover not a fighter. Lately he's been getting a little too deep into his love life though and he's obsessing over a woman named Rosaline who swore a vow of celibacy. There's are party tonight at the Capulets; maybe we'll go masked and we can give him something to take his mind off of things. As long as we don't start any fights it'll be fine. I really hope we can find him someone else, I swore I'd help him forget her and thats what I'm going to do!


  1. So that is who the girl is! I did not know Romeo had a fancy for Rosaline. Benvolio, you and I need to take Romeo to this masquerade.

  2. That must have been a very nice fight. Any swords involved? I feel that you should steer Romeo into the direction of having a love interst with Juliet. Then she can make him breakfast, and maybe me occasionally.

  3. The should of fought it out and you know it!

  4. Alas everyone has found out my secret passion...

  5. ashlie and marisa21 November 2011 at 13:08

    You filthy little buggers. You think you can just plan on coming to crash MY party? well good luck to you because it looks like I just crashed yours!;)

  6. Brooke aka Shakespeare21 November 2011 at 13:09

    Hey! What the heck? I wrote this, she is not supposed to be with Rosaline. She is supposed to be with Juliet! Ughh... people these days -.-

  7. Well I say! This is outrageous! The Capulets are not fools in any way sir. I believe I will see you at the Masquerade.


  8. Tell Romeo to stay away from my woman..

  9. This is completely outrageous, I believe our families should stop all of this squabbling and either just leave each alone, or create some some of mutual grounds.

  10. nice, kinda like this thread except for the last rude one.
