Tuesday 10 January 2012

The Final Act, The Way It Should Have Been.

I feel like these recent events here in Verona have been too much of a tragedy to deal with. Because of this and to help myself cope with the loss of my two greatest friends I have written the events as I dream they would happen, in the perfect world.

Word had come from the families of both Mercutio and Tybalt that they were both miraculously alive, simply heavily wounded. They would indeed recover in time. Because of this unpredictable miracle the Prince took back the banishment of Romeo, seeing as it was made under the false thoughts that he had killed Tybalt. Barely an hour after word spread of this news outrage ensued as Lady Juliet of the Capulets confessed her undying love for Romeo and her bond to him through marriage. A messenger was sent to Mantua to inform Romeo of this great news and the wedding between Paris and Juliet was called off due to the fact of Juliet's previously unmentioned marriage. On his arrival Romeo and Juliet both explained all to their families and the only choice left to do was make peace. There was a large celebration and a wedding party thrown for the newly weds where both families shared in festivities and good times. Hence cam the end of the feud between the Montagues and Capulets.

1 comment:

  1. You have re-written the events as I wish they had occurred. It is nice to see that there was a chance you might support Romeo and I, when before you scorned the thought as impossible.
