Sunday 8 January 2012

Interview With The Verona Press

Today a reporter came in to interview me. I can only assume this would be concerning the recent tragic events of our fair city. Here following are the questions posed upon me.

Reporter: Good evening sir. I was told that you are the Benvolio Montague I was looking for. I have a few question for you on behalf of the Verona Press that I hope you'd be willing to answer. My first question is very simple, how did you know the recent victim of murder and the Prince's nephew, Mercutio?

Benvolio: Oh yes, a fair question I'm glad some are thinking of Mercutio as well and grieving for him even in these hectic times. Mercutio has always been a good friend of mine. I spent many hours simply passing time and enjoying the fruits of life with both him and my cousin Romeo.

Reporter: That brings us to our next question, concerning your cousin Romeo, what are your thoughts on his banishment?

Benvolio: Of course as his cousin I am biased to pity Romeo on his banishment. I believe it is a sad state of affair seeing as he was simply avenging the death of fair Mercutio but still, I do not think violence was the way for retribution.

Reporter: Were you involved in any of the violent actions that took place in our street today resulting in the deaths of two youths?

Benvolio: Nay, not I. I was there but I did not partake. I did try to stop the quarrel but alas I tried not enough for it was futile and I lost a good friend for it.

Reporter: How do you feel about Romeo attempting to come between Mercutio and Tybalt?

Benvolio: I feel that Romeo's heart was in the right place as he was simply trying to stop the unnecessary violence. If I had but been there helping more Romeo could have been more effective and we may have prevented the slipping of Tybalt's sword under his arm.

Reporter: Lastly word had been spreading of late that Romeo has not been returning to his quarters for the night, do you believe he has found himself a maiden to lie with?

Benvolio: Hold your tongue quick sir, Romeo may be a lover but he is no scoundrel. Nay I believe these nights of Romeo's absence are simply the result of a broken heart, nothing more.

Reporter: Well thank you graciously for your time sir. I am deeply moved and sorry for your recent loss, good eve.

1 comment:

  1. Not has your Romeo found himself a maiden, he has found himself a wife. He is not a bad man, I know this! He did not want to fight and kill.
